Episode 8: Eating disorder

In this week’s episode of Humanhood, we discover how Humankind’s founder, Marikym, grappled with an eating disorder that wreaked havoc on her health. During her modeling years, Marikym constantly felt pressured to maintain an unrealistic standard of thinness, so she succumbed to restrictive eating habits and obsessive exercise routines. As her body weakened, so did her mental and emotional well-being. The disorder not only took a toll on her physical health, but it also eroded her self-esteem. Despite outward appearances, she battled a relentless struggle against her own body and mind. Ultimately, her journey towards recovery from the eating disorder became a pivotal turning point, inspiring her to advocate for body positivity and redefine beauty standards in the fashion industry.

If you, or anyone you know, suffers from an eating disorder, we encourage you to visit the incredible people at: : https://anebquebec.com/